Automatic Placing-in of LV Auxiliary Transformers Paired in Mutual Standby for Thermal Power Plants RFIs are the keys to cable equipment interoperability. 火电厂成对设置互为备用低压厂变自投问题射频接口是实现有线电视设备互用性的关键。
Paired high and low frequency telecommunication cable 对称型高低频电信电缆
With the development of the broadband integrated service access network, HDSL and ADSL techniques could not satisfy the demand of broadband service due to the limitation of the properties of paired cable, so these two techniques are only transitional. 在宽带综合业务接入网中,HDSL和ADSL技术受到双绞线性能的限制,不能满足高质量的服务要求,只是一种过渡性的技术。